Solutions Supporting Microsoft Excel

Get Your data into Excel Fast !

Even those you were told were impossible sources

From Hardcopy - Scanned and OCR with incredible speed and accuracy.
Standard Convert from PDF- Very Fast and Accurate .
Intelligent Extraction - Take it one step further with Monarch Pro .
Massive and Automated conversion to Excel Files - Now , do that in volume using Datawatch Automator .
Data Visualization for Excel Files - When you want more powerful Data Visualization than Excel can provide .

Sharepoint Integrations from our solution partners

Integrations with Sharepoint
From Our Solution Partners!

Here are integrations where metadata and Images can be ingested by Sharepoint :

From Megaform - Both Hardcopy and softcopy created at print time . Softcopy logically split into records , indexed along with images .
From Readsoft Invoices- Invoice metadata and Images can be ingested by Sharepoint .
From Readsoft Forms - Forms metadata and Images can be ingested by Sharepoint .
From Readsoft Invoices online - Invoice metadata and Images can be ingested by Sharepoint .

Here are integrations where metadata and Images are sent directly to Sharepoint :

From Formatta - Forms metadata can be ingested by Sharepoint .

Directly from MFP using Nuance Sharescan Middleware - Direct MFP-Sharepoint

Other Sharepoint Integrations :

Nuance eCopy PDF Pro can open and also store PDF directly into the Sharepoint repository - Direct MFP-Sharepoint.

Onbase by Hyland has multiple Sharepoint integrations and further information can be located here Hyland Onbase Integrations with Sharepoint